Tetra Fish Wholesale Exporter

We are tetra fish wholesale exporter and distributor. Our tetras are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 16 different tetras species available at wholesale price for export.

Tetra Fish Wholesale Exporter


Tetra Fish for Wholesale Export

Tetras are lively schooling fish that thrive in a calm communal aquarium. It is ideal to keep six or more fish of the same tetra species in the aquarium. Tetras thrive in aquariums that are well-planted and have moderate illumination.

Tetra Fish Wholesale Exporter

Assorted Color Widow / Glow Fish Tetra

Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi

Assorted Colored Widow

It has a pink or blue hue that occurs naturally, and breeders have refined this fish to bring out the best of its delicate pastels. White Skirt Tetras are frequently colored in a variety of pastel hues. Both naturally colored and chemically colored White Skirt Tetra specimens.

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag

COLORS AVAILIBILITY: Blue, Green, Dark Green, Mix, Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow

Black Neon Tetra

Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

Black Neon Tetra

It has a pink or blue color that occurs naturally, and breeders have bred this fish to bring out the finest of its delicate pastels. White Skirt Tetras are frequently colored with pastels. Both naturally colored and intentionally dyed individuals of the Colored White Skirt Tetra.

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest

Hyphessobrycon megalopterus

Black Phantom Tetra

The black phantom tetra fish has a larger body than other tetra fish species. Their bodies are flat and oval-shaped, silver with a hint of black. Although the fish is named a black phantom tetra, it is not extremely dark and appears grey in certain circumstances.

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest

Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi

Black Widow / Black Skirt Tetra

The Black Skirt Tetra is a stunning fish with striking fins. Its most distinctive characteristic is its flowing anal fin, which gave rise to its name. The fin runs about half the length of the fish, emphasizing its tetragonal form.

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest

Aphyocharax Anisitsi

Bloodfin Tetra

The majority of the body is silver. The scales have an iridescent gloss that produces purple and turquoise tones. The fins are the focal point. They have bright red fins, with the most color concentrated on the tailfin, anal fin, and dorsal fin.

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest

Paracheirodon Axelrodi

Cardinal Tetra

Known for fish with a distinctive, brilliant iridescent stripe running down both sides of their bodies. When the sunlight hits one of these fish, they put on stunning light shows in the tank due to their remarkable red coloration.

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest

Hyphessobrycon amandae

Ember Tetra

They are a bright crimson with a rich orange gradient. Eyes with an orange ring are also common. During the mating season, females' abdomens become somewhat oblate, giving them an elongated body form. Female fish often have a bigger air bladder than male fish.

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest

Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi

Glofish Widow Tetra

GloFish Tetras are a great starter fish for beginners because they are calm and colorful. These peaceful schooling fish prefer to live in groups of 5 to 7 fish.

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag

COLORS AVAILIBILITY: Blue, Green, Mix, Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest

Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis

Lemon Tetra

Lemon tetras can grow to be five cm long. Adult tetras have transparent yellow bodies with black and yellow patterns on the anal and dorsal fins. Male lemon tetras have a thicker body than females. Male lemon tetra fish with fully matured anal fins have a more noticeable black edge.

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag

Tetra Fish Wholesale Exporter

Neon Tetra

Paracheirodon Innesi

Neon Tetra

It features a brilliant neon blue stripe running down its body and a burst of crimson on its lower half. Their color stands out more more under the appropriate lighting!

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag

Tetra Fish Wholesale Exporter

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest

Thayeria Boehlkei

Penguin Tetra

The majority of the body is a gleaming silver that catches the light. A broad black line cuts through the glitter. It extends from the gills to the tail. The stripe will usually continue down the bottom fork of the tail fin.

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag

Tetra Fish Wholesale Exporter

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest

Nematobrycon Palmeri

Rainbow Emperor Tetra

The Emperor Tetra is a stunning creature. In low-light circumstances, their scales have a rich purple shimmer. A broad black band runs the length of the body, with dazzling white and black striping on the fins. The eyes are a vivid metallic green that really stands out in the appropriate lighting.

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag

Tetra Fish Wholesale Exporter

Red Eye Tetra

Moenkhausia Sanctaefilomenae

Redeye Tetra

The brilliant red eye of the Red Eye Tetra is its most distinguishing trait. The hue pops out in natural design and draws attention to the fish against the background of the tank. The remainder of the body is in a state of neutrality. The fish is mostly silver in color.

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag

ALSO AVAILABLE: Balloon Redeye Tetra

Tetra Fish Wholesale Exporter

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest

Hemigrammus Rhodostomus

Rummy Nose Tetra

The fish's entire head is coated in vivid crimson. It stands out against the rest of the body, which is neutral silver. It boasts clean white and solid black horizontal stripes.

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag

Tetra Fish Wholesale Exporter

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest

Hyphessobrycon SPP.

Serpae Tetra

They become a reddish-brown tint with black highlights. The fish is distinguished by black edging on the fins and a comma-shaped pattern on the body.

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag

Tetra Fish Wholesale Exporter

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest

Hasemania Nana

Silvertip Tetra

Silvertip Tetras are little fish with fine features on their bodies. The primary color is grey. The base of the tail fin is black. The dark coloring continues into the tail fork. Two silver dots surround the base of the fork.

PACKAGING: Quantity/Bag


*The shipped fish will differ from the image above since all fish and species are unique in their own manner; the images above are merely for reference purposes.




why choose us?

Tetra Fish Wholesale Exporter

When you do business with us, you don't just get fish only, you get best rate, healthy and quality fish with minimal DOA rate.

Best Wholesale Rate

By offering best rates, we maximize profits of our customer resulting in the success of both parties.

Best Quality

All fish are healthy, great in shape with vibrant colors and in best condition for export.

Maximum Quantity

With our experience, we are able to ship maximum quantity of fish by maintaining quality and DOA rate.

Minimal DOA Rate

Keep the DOA rate as minimal as possible by selecting best quality fish and excellent water condition.


Tetra Fish Wholesale Exporter

Is there any minimum order requirement?

The minimum order is ten cartons weighing roughly 200-220 KGs. In general, 16 boxes will weigh 350 KGs and 27 boxes will weigh 550 KGs, allowing them to qualify for cheaper freight rates.

What is the payment method?

We ask a 100% upfront payment through T/T for new customers. Once the regular business is established, other payment conditions might be discussed.

What should I do if I can't find the product I'm looking for?

We work with several ornamental fish vendors and have a large internal stock. Please contact us with your needs, and we will gladly assist you.

How do i place an order?

Please contact us using the form at contact page or email us at [email protected] with your product needs, quantity, company name, and location. Our staff will react to your inquiry as soon as possible with further information.

Are there any probable availability constraints?

Some ornamental fish are seasonal or have limited availability and may only be purchased during certain months of the year. For further information, please use the form at contact page or email us at [email protected]

What are the estimated delivery times?

Many factors influence this, including geographical location, product availability, quantity, and weather. We do, however, endeavor for 72-hour delivery (by air freight) following order completion.

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