Freshwater Tropical Aquarium Fish for Wholesale Export
We are freshwater tropical aquarium fish wholesale exporter in Thailand with competitive price and worldwide shipping.

Freshwater Tropical Aquarium Fish for Wholesale Export

Angelfish Species
We are freshwater angelfish wholesale exporter and distributor. Our angelfish are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 6 different angelfish species available at wholesale price for export.
Blue Angelfish
Bulgarian Green Angelfish
Common Angelfish
Koi Angelfish
Platinum/White Angelfish
Zebra Angelfish

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest
Aquarium Sharks
We are aquarium sharks wholesale exporter and distributor. Our sharks are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 6 different aquarium sharks species available at wholesale price for export.
Albino Shark
Bala/ Silver Shark
Albino Blueline Shark
Blueline Shark
Naja Shark
Rainbow Shark
Red-Tailed Black Shark

Barb Species
We are barb fish wholesale exporter and distributor. Our barbs are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 7 different barbs species available at wholesale price for export.
Cherry Barb
Denison Barb
Rosy Barb
Tiger Barb
Albino Tiger Barb
Green Tiger Barb
Albino Tinfoil Barb
Silver Tinfoil Barb

Betta Fish Species
Betta Fish
We are betta fish wholesale exporter and distributor. Our bettas are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 7 different betta fish species available at wholesale price for export.
Common/Veiltail Betta Fish
Crown Tail Betta Fish
Double Tail Betta Fish
Dumbo/Elephant Ear Betta Fish
Full Moon Betta Fish
Halfmoon Betta Fish
Koi/Plakat/Shortfin Betta Fish
*Note: Male and female bettas are available for all the species mentioned above.

Carp Species
We are Koi Carp wholesale exporter and distributor. Our carps are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 3 different carp species available at wholesale price for export.
Common Carp
Hi-fin/Butterfly Carp
Koi Carp

Photo Courtesy of: Commons Wikimedia
We are tropical catfish wholesale exporter and distributor. Our catfish are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 5 different catfish species available at wholesale price for export.
Albino Cory Catfish
Bronze/Green Cory Catfish
Red Tail Catfish
Sun/Spotted Catfish
Tiger Shovelnose Catfish
Albino Walking Catfish
Black Walking Catfish

Cichlid Species
We are cichlid fish wholesale exporter and distributor. Our cichlids are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 18 different cichlids species available at wholesale price for export.
Blue Dolphin Cichlid
Butter Cichlid
Cichlid (Mix)
Convict Cichlid
Demasoni Cichlid
Discus Fish (Mix)
Duboisi Cichlid
Flower Horn Cichlid
Frontosa Cichlid
Geophagus Cichlid
Albino Geophagus Cichlid
Green Terror Cichlid
Green Texas Cichlid
Albino Oscar Cichlid
Tiger Oscar Cichlid
Blue Parrot Cichlid
Green Parrot Cichlid
Polar Green Parrot Cichlid
Red Love Parrot Cichlid
Red Parrot Cichlid
Tattoo Parrot Cichlid
Tiger Blue Parrot Cichlid
Yellow Parrot Cichlid
White Parrot Cichlid
Ramirezi Cichlid
Red Jewel Cichlid
Severum Cichlid
Tropheus Duboisi

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest
Freshwater Eels
We are freshwater eels wholesale exporter and distributor. Our eels are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 4 different eel fish species available at wholesale price for export.
Asian Swamp Eel
Fire Eel
Peacock Eel
Zig-Zag Eel

Fancy Goldfish Species
Fancy Goldfish
We are fancy goldfish wholesale exporter and distributor. Our goldfish are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 14 different goldfish species available at wholesale price for export.
Bubble Eye Goldfish
Calico Goldfish
Calico Goldfish (Ryukin)
Common Comet
Common Goldfish
Lionhead Goldfish
Black Moore Goldfish
Red Moore Goldfish
Big Head Oranda Goldfish
Black Oranda Goldfish
Red Oranda Goldfish
Panda Goldfish
Pearlscale Goldfish
Black Ranchu Goldfish
Red Ranchu Goldfish
Redcap Goldfish
Ryukin Goldfish
Tri Color Goldfish

Gourami Fish Species
Gourami Fish
We are gourami fish wholesale exporter and distributor. Our gourami are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 6 different gourami fish species available at wholesale price for export.
Blue Gourami
Common Gourami (Mix)
Dwarf Gourami (Mix)
Giant Gourami
Albino Red Eye Giant Gourami
Kissing Gourami
Pearl Gourami

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest
We are knifefish wholesale exporter and distributor. Our knifefish are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 2 different knifefish species available at wholesale price for export.
Black Ghost Knifefish
Clown Knifefish

Livebearer Species
We are livebearer fish wholesale exporter and distributor. Our livebearer fish are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 14 different livebearer species available at wholesale price for export.
Guppy (Female)
Guppy (Male)
Balloon Molly
Calico Molly
Doubloon Molly
Molly (Mix)
Moon Tail Molly
Sailfin Molly
Green Platy
Mickey Mouse Platy
Rainbow Platy
Sunset Platy
Tuxedo Platy
Wagtail Platy
Swordtail Fish
Pineapple Swordtail Fish

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest
We are loaches fish wholesale exporter and distributor. Our loaches are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 6 different loaches species available at wholesale price for export.
Chinese Hi Fin Loach
Clown Loach
Hillstream Loach
Kuhli/Coolie Loach
Polka Dot Loach
RedTail Botia Loach

Miscellaneous Species
We are miscellaneous fish wholesale exporter and distributor. Our miscellaneous fish are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 17 different species available at wholesale price for export.
Alligator Gar
Red Arowana
Silver Arowana
Albino Bichir Fish
Bichir Fish
Boeseman's Rainbowfish
Neon Rainbowfish
Cherry Shrimp (Mix)
Color Glass Fish
Elephant Nose Fish
Green Scat
Harlequin Rasbora
Mono Sebae
Puffer Fish
Siamese Tigerfish
Silver Dollar
Zebra Danio (Mix)

Suckerfish Species
We are suckerfish wholesale exporter and distributor. Our suckerfish are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 2 different sucker fish species available at wholesale price for export.
Albino Siamese Algae Eater
Grey Siamese Algae Eater
Albino Suckermouth Catfish
Black Suckermouth Catfish

Tetra Species
We are tetra fish wholesale exporter and distributor. Our tetras are healthy with beautiful and vibrant colors. We have 16 different tetras species available at wholesale price for export.
Assorted Colored Widow (Mix)
Black Neon Tetra
Black Phantom Tetra
Black Widow Tetra
Bloodfin Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Ember Tetra
Glofish Widow Tetra (Mix)
Lemon Tetra
Neon Tetra
Penguin Tetra
Rainbow Emperor Tetra
Redeye Tetra
Balloon Redeye Tetra
Rummy Nose Tetra
Serpae Tetra
Silvertip Tetra
*The shipped fish will differ from the image above since all fish and species are unique in their own manner; the images above are merely for reference purposes.
why choose us?
Freshwater Tropical Aquarium Fish Wholesale Exporter
When you do business with us, you don't just get fish only, you get best rate, healthy and quality fish with minimal DOA rate.
Best Wholesale Rate
By offering best rates, we maximize profits of our customer resulting in the success of both parties.
Best Quality
All fish are healthy, great in shape with vibrant colors and in best condition for export.
Maximum Quantity
With our experience, we are able to ship maximum quantity of fish by maintaining quality and DOA rate.
Minimal DOA Rate
Keep the DOA rate minimal by selecting best quality fish and excellent water condition.
Freshwater Tropical Aquarium Fish for Wholesale Export
Is there any minimum order requirement?
The minimum order is ten cartons weighing roughly 200-220 KGs. In general, 16 boxes will weigh 350 KGs and 27 boxes will weigh 550 KGs, allowing them to qualify for cheaper freight rates.
What is the payment method?
We ask a 100% upfront payment through T/T for new customers. Once the regular business is established, other payment conditions might be discussed.
What should I do if I can't find the product I'm looking for?
We work with several ornamental fish vendors and have a large internal stock. Please contact us with your needs, and we will gladly assist you.
How do i place an order?
Please contact us using the form at contact page or email us at [email protected] with your product needs, quantity, company name, and location. Our staff will react to your inquiry as soon as possible with further information.
Are there any probable availability constraints?
Some ornamental fish are seasonal or have limited availability and may only be purchased during certain months of the year. For further information, please use the form at contact page or email us at [email protected]
What are the estimated delivery times?
Many factors influence this, including geographical location, product availability, quantity, and weather. We do, however, endeavor for 72-hour delivery (by air freight) following order completion.